
    Monday , August 18th.

     I arrived yesterday morning, and I find this camp very cool. My summmer camp is in a forest in front of a lake. I love my roommates !!! We are six in the room. There is Sofia, Katherina, Maelle, Elize, Charlotte and me. They're from a lot of different countries. I have met a lot of very kind people . Today, we have done many activities like surfing and paddling on the lake. I'm very excited to do a beach volley  tournament tomorrow and all the other activities that I've seen on the planning such as kayaking, bungee jumping, paragliding. Last night a baby bear came to our room. It was very frightening !!!!! On top of that his mum was walking around the bedroom! We called the group leaders on the emergency phone and they  called a veterinary to get  them to sleep! It was very impressive! We were very scared we thought we were going to die ! I' ve lived one of my worst memories. It was yesterday, on the lake, when we were paddling boat, I fell into the water and my friends were gone without me and I got out of the lake and all the camp was laughing at me and it was very embarrassing.


    Mélissande Le Guen and Camille Martin.



  • The summer camp is located in Guadeloupe , over  there it is very hot and there is a lot of sun . I am in a bedroom  with  three people among who two friends Kate and George and another person really annoying, embarrassing and exhausting.The first night , we had a dance party to meet many people, there was a lot of music and everyone was happy . When I went to sleep the bed was very comfortable and enjoyable . We have already surfd , water foughtand even played football. Soon we will paddle , play tennis, different activities, sports , board games  and a lot of things . On the  first day , I had the shame of my life , I was to singing while I was walking a long the water the water when I my foot hit a root so I fell into the water  in front of everyone . They laughed. It was horrible . 

    Candyce and Guillian  

  • Hi,

    I am in a camp in the north of Sidney. There are lots of teenagers and we are four per bedroom. In mine, there is Manon, Kate, Samia and me. 

    At the moment, I am writing this article and it's the night of the second day.

    Yesterday morning, we went surfing and the sea was very warm. But we didn't do volleyball because it was raining. We came back to the camp at  lunchtime. It was very annoying. The afternoon, we did drama with Nicole Kidman! She has played in many movies  like "Moulin rouge", and "Eyes Wide Shut". I am very interested by drama but I have never had the opportunity to practice. The evening, we did a giant barbecue. We have just eaten and now every body is in his bedroom. This day was very tiring but I am excited to spend another day in this camp.

    Ines Gaquere  


    During the stay, I am with two friends and three people I don't know in the bedroom.

    Today has been a great day. I've discovered  amazing activities : the treetop adventure course and rock climbing. These activities were very cool because they were scary and funny.

    There has been a very embarrassing moment. A boy was stuck  in the air when we did the  treetop adventure course and he cried and shouted.

    Last night, we had an all-night party. The adults told us a scary story.

     I have never practiced  scuba diving and surfing and tomorrow we'll go to the  Pilat dune. These activities are planned at this end of the week.

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    Lena and Axel

  • The summer camp is situed in Australia. There are two boys and three girls, who is my friends. The last night I haven't slept because I have heard strange noise. I have can meet a news friends, I have played with my friends, I have done a news different activities such as, i have climbed rock, i have visited a cave in second day. When i have climbed rock i tore my pants it was embarrasing situation, everybody have a laugh! But it's a super camp it was very physical and little dangerous!

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "rock climbing"  Résultat de recherche d'images pour "summer camp in australia"

    Eloïse Mercier, Julia Boschet

  • The summer camp is situated in the North West of Canada in  Tulita city. My roommates are funny and annoying. When I arrived at the camp I was shy but little by little I got used to this environment. Last night we put up a tent in the forest. Tomorrow, we'll go  surfing, a sailing. We have done a treasure hunt, a race and a we went hiking.  After, we watched a horror movie and I screamed like a little girl.

    That's all for my second day at the summer camp ! 

    Miléva SARR

    Bleuenn GARBE

    4ème Verte


  • Today has been  an incredible day because I have met new friends and I've been canoeing in the Michigan lake and it was great ! Apart from this. In our room, there are Robin and Julien. After, I practiced mountain climbing and to finish, we went  bungee-jumping. Last night, we had a party with my friends. I haven't done paragliding, parachuting and kart racing. In my stay, I had an embarrassing moment, I went to the pool with my friends but I can't swim. It has been the best stay of my entire life.

     tImagine Your Summer Camp

    Titema Raphoz

    Mathéo Vallée

    Benjamin Le Bot

  • The summer camp takes place in Las Vegas. roommate is a friend . In the morning we a paddled, surfed and rock-climbed and we did different activities. I don't like the camp too much but the  activities are super. When Julie and Peter kissed was embarrassing.

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "summer camp blue"


  • To begin I have met a very sweet organizer  who showed me  my bedroom. It was was horrific. At night he we went to bed. I didn't sleep and I heard a voice. I was  terrified and I ran into a group leader's room. Everybody took a picture of me. It was  very very embarrassing.

    the worst night of my life


  • The summer camp is in a  forest in Ohio with a lots of animals. We sleep with Jean and Michel, who are very very close... Today we have visited the camp. It was interesting and exhausting. But we haven't climbed  the giant tree that looks exciting. The group leader has explained us we were going to watch a bear. We were very surprised.  Last night we ate some marshmallows and that was very good. We spoke about frightening times in our lives. The most embarrassing thing in my life is  My big fear, a PINK TEDDY!!!!!!!!!!!               Résultat de recherche d'images pour "ours en peluche rose"





    We are going to tell you what we do to make Pocket money.

    We wash cars, we do the dishes for 10 dollars. Sometimes children get 20 $ a month. With my pocket money I buy   video games and  sweets.


    a books:


    Résultat d’images pour livre huder games 






    I don' t receive my money from my parents. Most of the time, I find  my money and I buy  candy. To win my Pocket money, I can work at people's and I can tutor pupils  in maths. I ask for money after the lesson ..... around 10 euros an hour or 15 euros a lesson (that depends on the lesson: small or long). With my Pocket money, I buy candies, new games and a new phone for my brothercoolyes.


  • We spend money by buying an iguana, video games , a computer to  play  video games.

    We win pocket money by selling our things, by playing the lotto ,by working, our birthdays and by helping our grandparents .


    Guillian Bosseno , Dylan Calendron

  • To make pocket money , I help my parents by doing cleaning, I empty the dishwasher, I set the table, I take care of my brother and sister. I tidy my bedroom and I cook. My parents like it when I help.

     Laura Rio et Aude Merlet




























    I received my first Pocket money at twelve years  old .

    I win Pocket money by looking after children when  the parents go out. They give  me 20$, I'm very happy !

    I go  shopping for my grand-mother, she is very generous when I help. She gives me 30$.

    Then, I walk  dogs, my favourite dog's name is Sylvain. I love it !!!!!!! I earn 15$. It's great because I love dogs !

    I spend my Pocket money for new shoes, clothes...


    Anna Gien and Eva Selo
