• Pain is a Playstation Game. In this game you can destroy your own player ( d'ou le nom:pain=douleur ) . this game is very entertaining : if you hate a person you can have fun .
    ok , now I'll show you a lot of "ooch"  positions :

    Afficher l'image en taille réelleAfficher l'image en taille réelle

    And there are some more....

    if you buy online(7€) , you have 1 card and ( if you want to ) you can buy a lot of other maps ( un peu pres 1 ou 2 euros par maps ) you can buy a lot of characters too !
    BUT if you buy the full version you have all the cards and a lot of characters. ( conter 25 € sur internet ) .

  • Art rage is a software to paint on a computer.. It  reproducst a brush, pencil, pen...I love this software, it is really good and it is very easy to use. A full version have got  all options but you have to pay for it. The free version hasn't got all options butit  is really good. I just have the free one. All options  concern brushes, big brushes, small brushes, pencisl, pens, felt  pens... etc... Look at this I haven't got the time to tell you everything.

    this version no pay.

    It's my draw with artrage.

  • Laura is a prefect a school.                   
    - She has to be in the school yard at 8.30 on Mondays.
    - On Wednesdays she has to patrol the corridors during break.
    - On Thursdays she's off-duty.
    - On Fridays she has to supervise the canteen. 

  • L'Europe


    4 is the last one of the Shrek story.He has got a end is this title of shrek 4. Shrek goes to past and he meets Fiona but she has become a
    prehistoric woman. Poor Shrek... He braves different monsters or different tasks to manage and go to her house in the present. But it's not very easy...! Shrek 4 for will be released on 30 june 2010.
    Go and see Shrek 4 on june!! Don't stay on your sofa.
    Manga du 35

  • L'Europe

    Misaki is the president of the pupils association in the Seika high. She is very angry and very strict on school rules but one night she works in a restaurant to pay her school. No body has seen her wearing waitress' s clothes but Usui, a student of Seika high sees Misaki. She is very embarrassed but Usui speaks to noone at school. Come to you tube or wat and see this very cool manga. (A book will be published next spring)


  • Last night, Jim Atkins was walking down Lincoln Avenue. He was talking to his friend Tarik on the phone when suddlenly a car stopped next to him. Two men got out of the car and attached him. He resisted and shouted for help. His friend Tarik heard him and called the police. When the police arrived, the two men ran away .

  • Idolm@ster is a game for xbox360 or psp. This game is a dance game. You are a dancer and a singer. Whith your joystick you Make the dancers dance just like you want them to dance. Idolm@ster exists in English and Japenese. Their songs are very beautiful. My favourite song is called "colorful days".(see below). You  want to buy it? Sorry i haven't seen it in France. Too Bad!!!





  •  Saturday night, I went somewhere .

    Where did you go ? Where did you go ?
    I went to a party and I met someone.

    Who did you meet ? Who did you meet ?
    I met a witch and she did something.

    What did she do ? What did she do ?
    She took her magic wand and she said something.

    What did she say ? What did she say ?
    She said ! " I'm gonna turn you into a toad !" and something happened !

    What happened ? What happened ?
    I woke up and it was monday morning

  • Doctor Who is a "Time Knight". He moves in the universe and travels through time. He teaches humans what he knows. He travels in a kind of telephone booth. He changes the way things are. Everyone knows him and he is a bit strange. Nothing scares him, he is nuts!!!

  • James Cameron

    James Francis Cameron was born on 16th August 1954 in Kapuskasing (Canada). He's the director of many successful and famous films, and among these, there is : Avatar and Titanic.
    In 1981, he directed a bad horror movie, Pirhana II - The Spawning. In 1984, he wrote the story of Rambo II and an action - science-fiction story, Terminator, with Arnold Schwarzeneggerand Lin. He directed this movie with a  budget of 6 400 000 $ but he won 80 million because it was an enormous success. After, in 1986, he wrote Aliens the sequel of Alien of Ridley Scott. It's a very very good action movie. With the success, he wrote Abyss, a movie in the sea. The shooting was the hardest one for James Cameron. Unefortunately, the film wasn't too successful !Then, he created Terminator 2 : Judgement Day, the sequel of Terminator. For the movie, he had an enormous budget for the time, 100 millions $, the movie won 500 millions $ !!! In 1993, he waned to make an adaptation of the comic book, Spider-man with Arnold Swarzenegger, but he abandoned the project. Finally, he directed True Lies, the remake of the French movie La totale ! with the Austrian actor. In 1997, he wanted to direct a movie based on the story of TITANIC, with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. It's the biggest cinema success of the time with 11 oscars, a budget of 200 000 000 $ and a box-office of 1 845 034 188 $ !!! In 2009, he directed the movie with the most important budget of the world with 460 000 000 $. He wrote the story in 1989, in the shootting of Abyss, but he waiting  for the best possible special effects for his movie. After Titanic, he made the best record in the cinemas with 2 600 000 000 $ !!!!! His next projects is a 3D version of Titanic and Na'vi alias Avatar 2 ! His movies are very very good and I hope He'll go on making good films... !

    Piranha 2    Terminator   Aliens  Abyss     Terminator 2   True Lies                                  

            Titanic                       Avatar

  • Death Note is a manga but he has been changed into a movie. The actors are Japanese the film is not in French but is subtitled in French. This method is called vostfr. This movie is not for children. Ther is only very little humour.. Death Note Has not finished changhing.... Soon death Note will in paper^^. I'am laughing. This movie is very long but it is interesting. But I only have the subtitled version. Enjoy!!
    Link for the bande annonce:

    Voyage en Grande Bretagne


  • Mr Spencer was at assembly this morning.
    Suddenly ,his mobile phone rang. 
    He switched it off , but a paper fell out of his pocket.
    he picked it up and looked at it for a long time ,
    he tore it into piece , he put it in the bin.
    Alwena blew her nose,  put the tissue in the bin and she took
    Mr Spencer's paper.After that , she read it :
    The message says : Lane Techical ScoVoyage en Grande Bretagneol , Chicago June 30th.

  •  China is a great and very big country. I love it because they celebrate the Chinese new year. The their signs are not like us, virgo, lion, etc.... There is:
    -The RatVoyage en Grande Bretagne

    -The OxVoyage en Grande Bretagne

    -The TigerVoyage en Grande Bretagne

    -The RabbitVoyage en Grande Bretagne

    - The DragonVoyage en Grande Bretagne

    -The SnakeVoyage en Grande Bretagne

    -The HorseVoyage en Grande Bretagne

    -The MonkeyVoyage en Grande Bretagne

    -The RoosterVoyage en Grande Bretagne

    -The Sheep
    Voyage en Grande Bretagne

    -The Dog
    Voyage en Grande Bretagne

    -The Pig
    Voyage en Grande Bretagne

    A Chinesses are got a very important coutume. He love tea. They are got very the traditional festival.
    A Festival of lanterne, Chinesse lover day and many other.

    Voyage en Grande Bretagne

  • Miku miku dance is a software. It is to create dances. It is in English. Is not difficult but we must know English. This software is cool and the characters are very cute.

    Voyage en Grande Bretagne

    The characters are vocaloid. A vocaloids is a voice changed into a very high-pitched voice. They are so  cute!!! I love them.
    This software is good and make us use our imagination. Why not  create your own dance? Or, just dance.



    Download : http://www.geocities.jp/higuchuu4/index_e.htm


  • MUSE is a Brithish rock group.The group is composed of Matthew Bellamy ( guitarist ,pianist ,   singer, author and composer ) , Christopher Wolstenholme ( bassist and composer now ) and DominicHhoward ( drummer and composer now ) .
    The group was born  in 1992 , their name was GOTHIC PLAGUE in Teignmouth.
    their first album is Newton Abbot Demo in 1997 and their last album  is THE RESISTANCE
    Muse fights for freedom of speech and democrasy . ( d'où le nom de leur dernier album qu'on traduit " la résistance ". On peut aussi le remarquer dans les paroles de leur chanson ) exemple :   UPRISING :
     Voici les paroles  de cette chanson :

    Paranoia is in bloom,
    The PR transmissions will resume
    They'll try to, push drugs that keep us all dumped down
    And hope that we will never see the truth around
    (so come on)
    Another promise, another scene
    Another, packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed
    And all the, Green belts wrapped around our minds
    And endless, red tape to keep the truth confined
    (so come on)

    They will not force us
    They will stop degrading us
    They will not control us
    We will be victorious
    so come on
    Interchanging mind control

    come let paranoïa, the revolution takes its toll
    If you could, flick the switch and open your third eye
    You'd see that
    We should never be afraid to die
    (so come on)

    Rise up and take the power back
    It's time the fat cats had a heart attack
    You know that their time's coming to an end
    We have to unify and watch our flag ascend

    They will not force us
    They will stop degrading us
    They will not control us
    We will be victorious
    (so come on)

    They will not force us
    They will stop degrading us
    They will not control us
    We will be victorious
    (so come on)
    et en français :

    Les transmissions des relations publiques (PR = Publics Relations) vont reprendre
    En essayant de nous endormir pour nous abrutir
    Et en espérant que nous ne verrons jamais la vérité qui nous entoure
    Une autre promesse, une autre scène, un autre tissu de mensonges pour nous emprisonner dans la cupidité
    Et toutes les ceintures vertes enroulées autour de nos esprits
    Et l’adhésif rouge sans fin pour garder la vérité confinée
    (alors viens!)

    Refrain :
    Ils ne nous forceront pas
    Ils cesseront de nous humilier
    Ils ne nous contrôleront pas
    Nous serons victorieuxL'inversion du contrôle mental arrive
    Laissons la révolution s'installer
    Si tu pouvais appuyer sur l’interrupteur et ouvrir ton troisième œil
    Tu verrais qu'on ne devrait jamais avoir peur de mourir
    (alors viens!)

    Soulevons-nous et reprenons le pouvoir
    Il est temps que les chats gras (gros salaires) aient une crise cardiaque
    Tu sais que leur temps touche à sa fin
    Nous devons nous unir et regarder notre drapeau se hisser


    Hey… hey… hey… Hey…


    Hey… hey… hey… Hey…

    Uprising : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8KQmps-Sog
    Le site du groupe ( il est en anglais mais on comprend quand meme bien ) : http://muse.mu/