• Tag big

    Résultats pour la recherche du tag big :
  •   London is the capital of the United Kingston, this city's got a lot of very beautiful and big buildings. BIG-BEN, it's a big clock, this clock is the most photographed in the world !!! Not far, there is   Paliament house ,  it's where people are elected.   Bukingham palace  it's the...

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  • Father Christmas is big because he's got a big belly. .He's wears a red and white costume. justine

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  •   It 's sooooooooo big and soooooooo heavy !!!

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  • I love london with  Big Ben and Tower Bridge. It  is beautiful . I like English songs.  I love  Rhianna .Go and read Justine's article .                                                                 de Marie...

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  • ...went scuba-daving in Nil. It was very beautifull !There were  lots of différents fish, little ones, big ones, yellow ones........ But the most wonderfull fish was the  ..........................(tadam)  Napoleon !!!!  When a very big shark came. We were scared to death but it was a very...

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  • ...cette fête se passe toujours le 4e Jeudi de Novembre) : A mericans celebrate Thanksgiving with a big dinner. They eat traditionnal dishes that come from America, like turkey, pumpkin, corn and sweet potatoes and cranberries (see photo, under). The first Thanksgiving was in Massachusetts in...

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