• Some Clichés about Australia

    There are koalas and kangaroos everywhere in Australia. false
    There aren't kangaroos and koalas everywhere in Australia.Some Australians have never seen one!

    Sharks are always ready to eat you up when you go swimming. false
    Some persons have never seen a shark in the sea when they go swimming. Some live too far away to go swimming in the sea!

    All Australians are good surfers. false
    Some Australians live in the midlle of the desert so they can't be good surfers . Some Australians have never seen the sea!

    Rugby is the national sport in Austalia. false
    There's Australian football but there are a lot of sports such as soccer, golf, cricket, etc. . .

    It's always hot in australia. false
    In Tasmania the water is very cold in winter, for example!

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