•   Last week, We went to Egypt. It's was soooooooo fantastic !!! 
    We saw pyramids, the sphinx, snakes.
    We went to our hotel bedroom when we saw a scorpio on our bed. We were soooooooo terrified !!!!
    The next day, we went scuba-daving in Nil. It was very beautifull !There were  lots of différents fish, little ones, big ones, yellow ones........
    But the most wonderfull fish was the  ..........................(tadam) Napoleon !!!! 
    When a very big shark came. We were scared to death but it was a very nice shark.
    We turn to our Hotel and we have do baggages. We've take plane.  



  • Hello Mathilde ;D

    How are you ? We, we are fine and we have a story to tell you but it's a veeeery stupid story. When we were at the "Cannes Festival", we were wearing  news shoes with a reeeealy  high heels shoes.
    We was walking in the red carpet when Juliana broke her right heel and fell on me.
    In two secondes, we were sitting on the carpet and all of the paparazies were laughing at us and taking photos. We turned bright red and we were veeeeeeery embarrassed.


    Juu & Margaux

  • Hello everybody !

    Lisa and I were in Spain and we loved that journey ! But for now, let us tell you about the most terrible thing that happened to us in Madrid !

    We were in a palace, we were visiting the king's and queen's room when we saw a shadow which was moving on the wall. We shouted the same time : "what is that ?".
    We became curious about this shadow.
    Suddenly, we decided to check out, to follow it in the palace.
    And later, the shadow was speaking to us, it said : "Get out of my property !"
    We were afraid but we took a sword and we fought the shadow when it disapeared.
    And everybody was looking at us and we became bright red


  • Hi everybody.

    During the winter break, I went to NYC (New York City). I slept in the Hotel Metro, in Manhattan. It was near  Times Square, and this place is very lighted at night.
    On the first day, I went to Central Park. It's the biggest park I've ever seen !! There are looots of squirels, it was really fun to see them.
    Then I went to the Museum of Natural History (My father wanted to go there, I didn't want but I had no choice).  It was very impressive. There are lots of animals, but the part I prefered was about the galaxy and the Milky Way.
    After, we went to a Starbucks Coffee (a typical american cafe). I had a chocolate cupcake (I had never eaten a cupcake before, it was delicious ! ) and a Capuccino.
    The next day, we went to the Statue of Liberty. I was really happy to see it, but it wasn't the most impressive thing in New York. I think the most impressive memory I have is when we went to the Rockefeller Center. From the top, you can see the whole city!!!!

    We took the taxi to come back to airport. (Oh My God, there are soooo many taxis in New York ! )

    I'll never forget it.

    Cyril Decroux
    31, avenue des portes cartier
    35400 SAINT MALO

      Dear Mr Steven
    Thank you for your letter.I would like to visit the National Park because I love animals and I would like take photos,I would like to try bungee-jumping, scuba diving and surfing because I love the sea and it is hot.I've eaten a snail and I wouldn't try again, I've touched a spider and snakes and Ii would like to do it again . I don't like eating fish and I hate swimming because I'm not a very good swimmer.



  • Shone : What would you like to drink ?
    Shannone : Some orange juice , please .
    Shone : Have some a toast too !
    Shannone : No , thank you
    Shone : Would you like some bagels ?
    Shannone : Yes , please .
    Shone : You look hungry !!
    Shannone : Yeah ,

  • yo Jérémy.
    guess what? I can't wait I've won a weekend in DC.
    I thinks it's the best city in America.
    I'm soooo ecxiited .
    I'm going to see the White house and if I go to the Potomac River I'll probably visit the US Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial.
    I'll probably go on a Segway Tour.

  • Dear Mr and Mrs Forbes,

    Thank you for you leaflet
    I'm very exciting to see  crocodiles and Australian wild animals
     because I'm interrested in  wildlife in
    I've already tried rafting and sandbording at home I'm a

    I'm really looking forwad to coming to Australia.


  • What's your first name?
    Have you got a pet?
    when were you horn?
    Have you got any brothers and sisters?
    what do you like (doing)?

  • Wow! You're a great help ! = ouaw! tu m'es d'une grade aide  ( d'un air ironique bien sûr )
    Oh, thank you so much for your help != Oh, merci beaucoup pour ton aide ( toujours d'un air ironique )  
    Oh , I quit ! = Oh , j'abandonne (  tu m'enèrve )
    Splendid! = ouaw! splendide ( toujours et encore ironique  )
    oh , that does it = oh c bon ! j'en peux plus ! ( aprés on jette son éponge par terre et on part  )
    Get off my back !  = MAIS LACHE MOI !!!  
    Get on with  it ! =  ALLEZ PLUS VITE ! PLUS VITE !!!!
    OH ! I can't believe it !! = OH NON, J'Y CROIS PAS!!!!! 



    Dear Samia,

    You won't believe this ! I'll go and visit  DC.

    Guess What ? I'll go with Mathiew and Léa !

    We'll visit the FBI building and The White House, The Lindcoln and Jefferson memorials.

    I'm SOOOOOOOOOO Happyyy !  It will be Great !!!!!!

    We'll spend the day downtown on a segway-tour. And we'll go boating on the most beautiful river, the POTOMAC RIVER.

    It'll be the best day of my entire life.

    I'll send you an e-mail when I get back.




    Byye ! (8)


  • On her 18th birthday, Bella Swan wakes up from a dream in which she sees herself as an old woman. She expresses her distaste with growing older than her boyfriend Edward Cullen, a vampire who stopped aging at 17. Edward's adoptive family throws Bella a birthday party. While unwrapping a gift, Bella gets a paper cut, which causes Edward's brother, Jasper, to be overwhelmed by her blood's scent and attempt to kill her. Realizing the danger he and his family pose to Bella, Edward decides to end their relationship, and the Cullens move away from Forks,Washington.

  • Pour agrémenter vos e-mails voici des astuces :
    asap :  As soon as possible (Des que possible)
    cu : See you (A plus tard)
    lol : Laughing out loud (Mort de rire)
     : Happy (Joyeux)
    ;-) : Winking smile (Sourire clignant de l'oeil )  
    X : Kiss (Bisous)
    XOXOXO : Hugs and kisses (Calins et Bisous)



    Washington DC ( la ville !!! attention à ne pas confondre avec l'Etat de Washington ! ) est la capitale des Etats Unis . il y  a donc la maison blanche (the White House ) c'est là ou le président a son bureau et habite( c'est un peu l'élysée des USA, rappel : USA = United States of America , en francais : Etats Unis d'Amérique )  
     il y a aussi le capitole , Ce batiment  sert de siège au pouvoir législatif ( en bref , c'est le batiment ou sont décidées les lois ) , il y a aussi la court supreme , la réserve fédérale des USA, plein de musées ... , le Washington monument ( un obélisque magnifique ) , et plein d'autre choses a voir           
    Oui bon c'est vrai que raconter comme ca c'est ennuyant mais je vous le conseille : GO TO WASHINGTON !!!!!! different things and events


  • There are koalas and kangaroos everywhere in Australia. false
    There aren't kangaroos and koalas everywhere in Australia.Some Australians have never seen one!

    Sharks are always ready to eat you up when you go swimming. false
    Some persons have never seen a shark in the sea when they go swimming. Some live too far away to go swimming in the sea!

    All Australians are good surfers. false
    Some Australians live in the midlle of the desert so they can't be good surfers . Some Australians have never seen the sea!

    Rugby is the national sport in Austalia. false
    There's Australian football but there are a lot of sports such as soccer, golf, cricket, etc. . .

    It's always hot in australia. false
    In Tasmania the water is very cold in winter, for example!